
Displaying data for $instrument on $month,$day


// ==========================================
// This function test to see if the file exists
// If the file exists then spit out the URL
// If not then spit out an error message
// ==========================================

function checkFileExists($plot1){

$baseFilePath = “/home/atoc/friedrik/public_html/Experiments/SCOOP-MRS/”;
$baseURL = “”;

// Plot exists
if (file_exists($baseFilePath.$plot1)) {
// Plot exists
//echo “

The file $baseFilePath$plot1 exists

print “
print “Plot file URL: Right click and save file“;
print “
} else {
print (“
//echo “The PLOT file: $baseFilePath$plot1 does not exist


// return ($n * $n);

// ==========================================
// MRR !!!
// ==========================================

if ($instrument == “MRR@CU1” ) {
//print “

Instrument= “.$instrument.”

$plot = “MRR/10″.$monthDigit.$day.”_Z_MRR2.gif”;
// call file exists function and print out result



Displaying data for $instrument on $month,$day


// ==========================================
// This function test to see if the file exists
// If the file exists then spit out the URL
// If not then spit out an error message
// ==========================================

function checkFileExists($plot1){

$baseFilePath = “/home/atoc/friedrik/public_html/Experiments/SCOOP-MRS/”;
$baseURL = “”;

// Plot exists
if (file_exists($baseFilePath.$plot1)) {
// Plot exists
//echo “

The file $baseFilePath$plot1 exists

print “
print “Plot file URL: Right click and save file“;
print “
} else {
print (“
//echo “The PLOT file: $baseFilePath$plot1 does not exist


// return ($n * $n);

// ==========================================
// MRR !!!
// ==========================================

if ($instrument == “MRR@CU1” ) {
//print “

Instrument= “.$instrument.”

$plot = “MRR/10″.$monthDigit.$day.”_Z_MRR2.gif”;
// call file exists function and print out result

