Reviewed Publications
Friedrich, K., R. M. Rauber, T. Whittock, J. French, S. Tessendorf, L. Xue, S. Chen, B. Geerts, Z. Xie, C. Hohman, K. Ikeda, M. L. Kunkel, and D. R. Blestrud 2025: Precipitation Formation in Wintertime Orographic Clouds. Part 1: Environmental Conditions, Cloud Characteristics. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., (in press)
Zaremba, J. T., J. Minder, K. Friedrich, 2024: Small-scale wind fluctuations within melting layers of winter storms: results from WINTRE-MIX. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences.
Xie, Z., K. Friedrich, S. A. Tessendorf, L. Xue, S. Chen, T. Whittock, B. Geerts, and K. Ikeda, 2024: Relationship between Synoptic Weather Patterns and Topography on Snowfall in the Idaho Mountainous Regions. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 63, 855-871.
Laiho, R., K. Friedrich, A. Winters, 2024: Synoptic-scale Meteorological Patterns Associated with Heavy Rainfall in the Minnesota Region. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 63, 837–854,
Minder, R. J., N. Bassill, F. Fabry, J. R. French, K. Friedrich, I. Gultepe, J. Gyakum, D. E. Kingsmill, K. Kosiba, M. Lachapelle, D. Michelson, L. Nichman, C. Nguyen, J. M. Theriault, A. C. Winters, M. Wolde, J. Wurman: P-type Processes and Predictability: The Winter Precipitation Type Research Multiscale Experiment (WINTRE-MIX). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
Zaremba, T. J., R. M. Rauber, Geerts, B., French, J., Tessendorf, S. A., L. Xue, L., Friedrich, K., Weeks, C., Rasmussen, R. M., Kunkel, M. L., and Blestrud, D. R. (2023). Vertical Motions in Orographic Cloud Systems over the Payette River Basin. Part 4: Controls on Drop Number Concentrations and Supercooled Liquid Water Content J. Appl. Meteor., Clim., 62, 1389-1413. DOI:
Warms, M., K. Friedrich, L. Xue, S. Tessendorf, K. Ikeda, 2023: Drivers of Snowfall Accumulation in the Central Idaho Mountains using Long-Term High-Resolution WRF Simulations. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 62, 1279–1295,
Laiho, R., Friedrich, K., & Winters, A. C. (2023). Characteristics of Warm Season Heavy Rainfall in Minnesota, Weather and Forecasting, 38(1), 163-177.
Geerts, B., C. Grasmick, R. M. Rauber, T. J. Zaremba, L. Xue, and K. Friedrich, 2023: Vertical motions forced by small-scale terrain and cloud microphysical response in extratropical precipitation systems. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. DOI: 10.1175/JAS-D-22-0161.1
Zaremba, T. J., Rauber, R. M., Haimov, S., Geerts, B., French, J. R., Grasmick, C., Heimes, K., Tessendorf, S. A., Friedrich, K., Xue, L., Rasmussen, R. M., Kunkel, M. L., & Blestrud, D. R., 2022: Vertical Motions in Orographic Cloud Systems over the Payette River Basin. Part 1: Recovery of Vertical Motions and their Uncertainty from Airborne Doppler Radial Velocity Measurements. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 61(11), 1713-1731.
Zaremba, T. J., Heimes, K., Rauber, R. M., Geerts, B., French, J. R., Graskmick, C., Tessendorf, S., Xue, L., Friedrich, K., Rasmussen, R. M., Kunkel, M. L., & Blestrud, D. R., 2022: Vertical Motions in Orographic Cloud Systems over the Payette River Basin. Part 2: Fixed and Transient Updrafts and their Relationship to Forcing, J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 61(11), 1733-1751.
Heimes, K., Zaremba, T. J., Rauber, R. M., Tessendorf, S. A., Xue, L., Ikeda, K., Geerts, B., French, J., Friedrich, K., Rasmussen, R. M., Kunkel, M. L., & Blestrud, D. R. (2022). Vertical Motions in Orographic Cloud Systems over the Payette River Basin. Part III: An Evaluation of the Impact of Transient Vertical Motions on Targeting during Orographic Cloud Seeding Operations, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 61(11), 1753-1777.
Xue, L., Weeks, C., Chen, S., Tessendorf, S. A., Rasmussen, R. M., Ikeda, K., Kosovic, B., Behringer, D., French, J. R., Friedrich, K., Zaremba, T. J., Rauber, R. M., Lackner, C. P., Geerts, B., Blestrud, D., Kunkel, M., Dawson, N., & Parkinson, S., 2022: Comparison between Observed and Simulated AgI Seeding Impacts in a Well-Observed Case from the SNOWIE Field Program, J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 61(4), 345-367.
Nelson, T. C., J. Marquis, J. M. Peters, and K. Friedrich, 2022: Environmental Controls on Simulated Deep Moist Convection Initiation Occurring during RELAMPAGO-CACTI. J. Atmos. Sci., 79(7), 1941-1964.
Cann, M. D., K. Friedrich, J. French, and D. Behringer 2022: A Case Study of Cloud-top Kelvin- Helmholtz Waves near the Dendritic Growth Zone. J. Atmos. Sci., 79(2), 531-549,
Nelson, T. C., J. Marquis, A. Varble, and K. Friedrich, 2021: Radiosonde observations of environments supporting deep moist convection initiation during RELAMPAGO-CACTI. Mon. Wea. Rev., 149, 289-309. (recorded presentation)
Friedrich, K., J. R. French, S. A. Tessendorf, M. Hatt, C. Weeks, R M. Rauber, B. Geerts, L. Xue, R. M. Rasmussen, D. R. Blestrud, M. L. Kunkel, N. Dawson, and S. Parkinson, 2021: Microphysical characteristics and evolution of seeded orographic clouds. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 60, 909-934.(recorded presentation)
Marquis, J., A. Varble, P. Robinson T. C. Nelson, and K. Friedrich, 2021: Low-level mesoscale and cloud-scale interactions promoting deep convection initiation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 149, 2473-2495.
Luchetti, N. T., K. Friedrich, C. E. Rodell, 2020: Evaluating Thunderstorm Gust Fronts in New Mexico and Arizona. Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 4943–4956.
Luchetti, N. T., K. Friedrich, C. E. Rodell, J. K. Lundquist, 2020: Characterizing Thunderstorm Gust Fronts Near Complex Terrain. Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 3267–3286.
Wallace, R., K. Friedrich, W. Deierling, E. A. Kalina, P. Schlatter, 2020: The Lightning and Dual-Polarization Radar Characteristics of Three Hail-Accumulating Thunderstorms. Wea. Forecasting, 35, 1583–1603.
Cann, M., K. Friedrich, 2020: The Role of Moisture Pathways on Snowfall Amount and Distribution in the Southwest Central Mountains of Idaho. Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 2033–2048,
Friedrich, K., K. Ikeda, S. A. Tessendorf, J. R. French, R. M. Rauber, B. Geerts, L. Xue, R. M. Rasmussen, D. R. Blestrud, M. L. Kunkel, N. Dawson, and S. Parkinson, 2020: Quantifying snowfall from orographic cloud seeding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Feb 2020, 201917204; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1917204117 (recorded presentation)
McCaffey, K., J. M. Wilczak, L. Bianco, E. Grimit, J. Sharp, R. Banta, K. Friedrich, H. J. S. Fernando, R. Krishnamurthy, L. Leo. P. Muradyan, 2020: Identification and characterization of persistent cold pool events from temperature and wind profilers in the Columbia River Basin. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 58, 2533-2551.
Rauber, B., B. Geerts, L. Xue, J. French, K. Friedrich, R. Rasmussen, S. Tessendorf, D. Blestrud, M. Kunkel, S. Parkinson, 2019: Wintertime Orographic Cloud Seeding-A Review. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 58, 2117-2140.
Saltikoff, E., K. Friedrich, J. Soderholm, K. Lengfeld, B. Nelson, A. Becker, R. Hollmann, B. Urban, M. Heistermann, C. Tasson: An overview of using weather radar for climatological studies: Successes, challenges and potential. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,100, 1739–1752.
Wilczak, J., M. Stoelinga, L. Berg, J. Sharp; C. Draxl, K. McCaffrey, R. Banta; L. Bianco, I. Djalalova, J. K. Lundquist; P. Muradyan, A. Choukulkar, L. Leo; T. Bonin, Y. Pichugina; R. Eckman, C. Long; K. Lantz; R. Worsnop; J. Bickford, N.Bodini, D. Chand, A. Clifton, J. Cline, D. Cook, H. J.S. Fernando, K. Friedrich, R. Krishnamurthy, M. Marquis, J. McCaa, J. Olson, S. Otarola-Bustos, G. Scott, W. J. Shaw, S. Wharton, A. B. White, 2019: The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP2): Observational Field Campaign. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,100, 1701–1723.
Wallace, R., K. Friedrich, E.A. Kalina, and P. Schlatter, 2019: Using operational radar to identify deep hail accumulations from thunderstorms. Wea. Forecasting, 34, 133-150.
Friedrich, K., R. Wallace, B. Meier, N. Rydell, W. Deierling, E. Kalina, B. Motta, P. Schlatter, T. Schlatter, and N. Doesken, 2019: CHAT – the Colorado Hail Accumulation from Thunderstorms project. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 100, 459-471.
Tessendorf, S. A., J. R. French, K. Friedrich, B. Geerts, R. M. Rauber, R. M. Rasmussen, L. Xue, K. Ikeda, D. R. Blestrud, M. L. Kinkel, S. Parkinson, J. S. Snider, J. Aikins, S. Faber, A. Majewski, C. Grasmick, P. T. Bergmaier, A. Janiszeski, A. Springer, C. Weeks, D. J. Serke, R. Bruintjes, 2018: A transformational approach to winter orographic weather modification research: The SNOWIE Project. Bull. Meteor. Soc., 100, 71-92.
Friedrich, K., R. L. Grossman, J. Huntington, P. D. Blanken, J. Lenters, K. D. Holman, D. Gochis, B. Livneh, J. Prairie, E. Skeie, N. C. Healey, K. Dahm, C. Pearson, T. Finnessey, S. J. Hook, T. Kowalski, 2017: Reservoir Evaporation in the Western United States: Current Science, Challenges, and Future Needs. Bull. Meteor. Soc., 99, 167-187.
French, J. R., K. Friedrich, S. Tessendorf, R. Rauber, B. Geerts, R. Rasmussen, L. Xue, M. Kinkel, and D, Blestrud, 2018: Precipitation formation from orographic cloud seeding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 201716995; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.171699511.
Edwin, S. G., N. Mölders, K. Friedrich, S. Schmidt, and R. Thoman, 2017: Conditions supporting funnel cloud development in Alaska. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 7, 223-245. doi: 10.4236/acs.2017.72016.
Bianco, L., K. Friedrich, J. Wilczak, D. Hazen, D. Wolfe, R. Delgado, S. Oncley, and J. K. Lundquist, 2017: Assessing the accuracy of microwave radiometers and radio acoustic sounding systems for wind energy applications. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 1707-1721, doi:10.5194/amt-10-1707-2017
Lundquist, J. K., J. M. Wilczak, R. Ashton, L. Bianco, W. A. Brewer, A. Choukulkar, A. J. Clifton, M. Debnath, R. Delgado, K. Friedrich and co-authors 2017: Assessing state-of-the-art capabilities for probing the atmospheric boundary layer: the XPIA field campaign. Bull. Meteor. Soc., 98, 290-314.
Pokharel B., B. Geerts, X. Jing, K. Friedrich, K. Ikeda, R. Rasmussen, 2017: A Multi-sensor Study of the Impact of Ground-based Glaciogenic Seeding on Clouds and Precipitation over Mountains in Wyoming. Part II: Seeding Impact Analysis. Atmospheric Research. 138, 42–57.
Aikins, J., K. Friedrich, B. Geerts, and B. Pokharel, 2016: Role of a Low-Level Jet and Turbulence on Winter Orographic Snowfall. Mon. Wea. Rev., 144, 3277–3300,
Livneh, B., K. Friedrich, and P. Blanken, 2016: New Interest in Reservoir Evaporation for Western U.S. Water Resource Management. Eos, 97, doi:10.1029/2016EO048679.
Kalina, E. A., K. Friedrich, B. C. Motta, W. Deierling, G. T. Stano, N. N. Rydell, 2016: Colorado plowable hail storms: Synoptic weather, radar and lighting characteristics. Weather and Forecasting, 31, 663-693.
Friedrich, K., E. A. Kalina, J. Aikins, D. Gochis, and R. Rasmussen, 2016: Precipitation and cloud structures of intense rain during the 2013 Great Colorado Flood. J. Hydromet., 17, 27-52.
Friedrich, K., E. A. Kalina, J. Aikins, J. Sun, D. Gochis, P. Kucera, K. Ikeda, and M. Steiner, 2016: Raindrop size distribution and rain characteristics during the 2013 Great Colorado Flood. J. Hydromet., 17, 53-72.
Jing X., B. Geerts, K. Friedrich, and B. Pokharel, 2015: Dual-Polarization Radar Data Analysis of the Impact of Ground-Based Glaciogenic Seeding on Winter Orographic Clouds. Part I: Mostly Stratiform Clouds. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 54, 1944-1969.
Gochis, D., R. Schumacher, K. Friedrich, N. Doesken, M. Kelch, J. Sun, K. Ikeda, D. Lindsey, A. Wood, B. Dolan and others (26 authors), 2015: The great Colorado flood of September 2013. Bull. Meteor. Soc., 96, 1461–1487.
Bluestein, H. and co-authors, 2014: Radar in Atmospheric Sciences and Related Research: Current Systems, Emerging Technology, and Future Needs. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95, 1850–1861.
Rudolph, J. V., and K. Friedrich, 2014: Dynamic and Thermodynamic Predictors of Vertical Structure in Radar-Observed Regional Precipitation. J. Clim., 27, 2143-2158.
Kalina, E. A., K. Friedrich, S. M. Ellis, and D. W. Burgess, 2014: Comparison of disdrometer and X-band mobile radar observations in convective precipitation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142, 2414–2435.
Kalina, E. A., K. Friedrich, H. Morrison, and G. Bryan, 2014: Aerosol Effects on Simulated Supercell Thunderstorms in Different Environments. J. Atmos. Sci., 71, 4558-4580.
Pokharel, B., B. Geerts, X. Jing, K. Friedrich, J. Aikins, D. Breed, R. Rasmussen, and A. Huggins, 2014: The impact of ground-based glaciogenic seeding on clouds and precipitation over mountains: a multi-sensor case study of shallow precipitating orographic cumuli. Atmos. Res., 147-148, 162-182.
Geerts, B., B. Pokharel, K. Friedrich, D. Breed, R. Rasmussen, Y. Yang, Q. Miao, S. Haimov, B. Boe, and B. Lawrence, 2013: The AgI Seeding Cloud Impact Investigation (ASCII) campaign 2012: overview and preliminary results. J. Wea. Mod., 45, 24-43.
Friedrich, K., S. Higgins, F. J. Masters and C. R. Lopez, 2013: Articulating and stationary PARSIVEL disdrometer in severe weather. J. Atmos. Ocean Technol., 30, 2063-2080.
Rudolph, J. V., and K. Friedrich, 2013: Seasonality of vertical structure in radar-observed precipitation over southern Switzerland. J. Hydromet., 14, 318-330.
Friedrich, K., E. A. Kalina, F. J. Masters and C. R. Lopez, 2013: Drop-size distributions in thunderstorms measured by optical disdrometers during VORTEX2. Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 1182-1203.
Rudolph, J., K. Friedrich, and U. Germann, 2012: Model-based estimation of dynamic effect on 21st century precipitation for Swiss river basins. J. Climate, 25, 2897-2913.
Friedrich, K., J. K. Lundquist,M. Aitken, E. A. Kalina, and R. F. Marshall, 2012: Stability and turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer: A comparison of remote sensing and tower observations. Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, No. 3, L03801, doi:10.1029/2011GL050413.
Rudolph, J., K. Friedrich, and U. Germann, 2011: Relationship between radar-estimated precipitation and synoptic weather patterns in the European Alps. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 50, 944–957.
Dotzek, N., and K. Friedrich, 2009: Downburst-producing thunderstorms in southern Germany: Radar analysis and predictability. Atmos. Res., 93, 457-473.
Friedrich, K., U. Germann, and P. Tabary, 2009: Influence of ground clutter contamination on the accuracy of polarimetric quantities and rainfall rate. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 26, 251-269.
Friedrich, K., D. E. Kingsmill, C. Flamant, H. V. Murphey, and R. M. Wakimoto, 2008: Kinematic and moisture characteristics of a nonprecipitating cold front observed during IHOP. Part II: Along-front structures. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 3796-3821.
Friedrich, K., D. E. Kingsmill, C. Flamant, H. V. Murphey, and R. M. Wakimoto, 2008: Kinematic and moisture characteristics of a nonprecipitating cold front observed during IHOP. Part I: Across-front structures. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 147-172.
Friedrich, K., U. Germann, J. J. Gourley, and P. Tabary, 2007: Effects of radar beam shielding on rainfall rate estimation for polarimetric C-band radar. J. Atmos. Ocean Technol., 24, 1839-1859.
Friedrich, K., M. Hagen, and T. Einfalt, 2006: A quality control concept for radar reflectivity, polarimetric parameters, and Doppler velocity. J. Atmos. Ocean Technol., 23, 865-887.
Friedrich, K., D. E. Kingsmill, and C. R. Young, 2005: Misocyclone characteristics along Florida gust fronts during CaPE. Mon. Wea. Rev., 133, 3345-3367.
Friedrich, K., and M. Hagen, 2004: Evaluation of wind vectors measured by a bistatic Doppler radar network. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 21, 1840-1854.
Friedrich, K., and M. Hagen, 2004: On the use of advanced Doppler radar techniques to determine horizontal wind-fields for operational weather surveillance. Meteor. Appl., 11, 155-171.
Friedrich, K., and O. Caumont, 2004: Dealiasing Doppler velocities measured by a bistatic radar network during a downburst-producing thunderstorm. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 21, 717-729.
Friedrich, K., and M. Hagen, 2004: Wind synthesis and quality control of dual-Doppler derived horizontal wind-fields. J. Appl. Meteor., 43, 38-57.
Friedrich, K., 2002: Determination of three-dimensional wind-vector fields using a bistatic Doppler radar network. Ph.D. thesis, Dep. of Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich; 135 pp., DLR-FB2002-05.
Tetzlaff, G., R. Dlugi, K. Friedrich, G. Gross, D. Hinneburg, N. Mölders, U. Pahl, and M. Zelger, 2002: On modeling dry deposition of long-lived and chemically reactive species over heterogeneous terrain. J. Atmos. Chem., 42, 123-155.
Friedrich, K., M. Hagen, and P. Meischner, 2000: Vector wind field determination by bistatic multiple-Doppler radar. Phys. Chem. Earth (B), 25, 1205-1208.
Friedrich, K., and N. Mölders, 2000: On the influence of surface heterogeneity on latent heat fluxes and stratus properties. Atmos. Res., 54, 59-85.
Friedrich, K., N. Mölders, and G. Tetzlaff, 2000: On the influence of surface heterogeneity on the Bowen-ratio: A theoretical case study. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 65, 181-196.