Particle Mass and CO2 measurement on top of Duane physics
ATOC Weather Network
CSU-CHILL National Radat Facility
Community Collaborative Rain Hail and Snow Network
Radar data from the National Climate Data Center
Particle Mass and CO2 measurement on top of Duane physics
ATOC Weather Network
CSU-CHILL National Radat Facility
Community Collaborative Rain Hail and Snow Network
Radar data from the National Climate Data Center
Storm Peak Laboratory (Weather, CO2, visible and UV radiation)
NCAR’s Marshall field site (weather and precipitation amounts)
Precipitation climatology – PRISM data
Monthly and seasonal time series of climate parameter (CDC/NOAA)
Western Regional Climate Center (DRI-SD USA Climate archive)
Current observations, forecast, and monitoring (DRI)
Boulder, Weather and Climate data
Week in review – Observations and ATOC weather discussion
Meteorology, Education & Training (free but need to sign up)
General Weather Links
National Weather Service (NWS)
National Center of Environmental Prediction (NCEP)
Hydrometeorological Prediction Center
NCAR’s Research Application Laboratory
University of Wyoming
Surface Weather Maps over the US
Surface observations without analysis
Surface observations with fronts/analysis
Local Weather Observations
ATOC Weather Network
NCAR Foothills and Mesa Lab
NCAR Foothills Lab Webcam
Colorado Precipitation Data
Severe Weather
Storm Prediction Center
National Warnings
National Hurricane Center
CIMSS Tropical Cyclones
Winter Precipitation
US Snow monitoring