

Clicker Quiz Grades

The Code column lists the 6 character code names used for posting grades.

The Quiz Average column lists your average clicker quiz grade.

The remaining columns list your individual clicker quiz grades. The date of the quiz is given at the top of each column.

Clicker Grades (Non-quiz)


Clicker Quiz Grades

The Code column lists the 6 character code names used for posting grades.

The Quiz Average column lists your average clicker quiz grade.

The remaining columns list your individual clicker quiz grades. The date of the quiz is given at the top of each column.

Clicker Grades (Non-quiz)

The Code column lists the 6 character code names used for posting grades.

The Clicker Grade column lists your clicker grade to date. The clicker grade is equal to the number of clicker points you have earned divided by the number of clicker points that have been available all semester times 100%

The remaining columns list the clicker points you’ve earned in each lecture. The date of the lecture is given at the top of the column.

Class Grades

The Code column lists the 6 character code names used for posting grades.

The HW1 and HW2 columns provide the grades for the Homework Assignments.

The WN1column provides the grades for the Weather Notebook assignment.

The Exam1, Exam2, Exam3, and Final Exam columns list the 4 exam grades for the semester.

The Clicker Points column lists the total number of clicker points earned to date. The Clicker Score column lists the clicker score used in calculating the final class grade.

The Clicker Quiz column lists your average clicker quiz grade.

The Clicker Grade column lists your clicker grade for the semester.

The Final Grade column lists the overall number grade in the class to date.

The final grade is calculated as:

Final grade = (Exam average) x (0.60 – 0.06 x (clicker grade/100)) + (Clicker quiz average x 0.10) + (Weather notebook average x 0.10) + (Homework average x 0.20) + (Clicker grade x 0.06)


Grading Criteria

Final grade = (Exam average) x (0.60 – 0.06 x (clicker grade/100)) + (Clicker quiz average x 0.10) + (Weather notebook average x 0.10) + (Homework average x 0.20) + (Clicker grade x 0.06)

Each exam will count for 15% of your final grade.

Your clicker quiz score will count for 10% of your final grade.

Each homework and weather notebook assignment will count for 10% of your final grade.

The clicker score will replace up to 10% of your exam grade and can count for a maximum of 6% of your final grade.

The following criteria will be used to assign the final letter grades for the course:

A: Final grade greater than or equal to 90.0%

A-: Final grade from 85.0% to 89.9%.

B+: Final grade from 81.7% to 84.9%

B: Final grade from 78.3% to 81.6%

B-: Final grade from 75.0% to 78.2%

C+: Final grade from 71.7% to 74.9%

C: Final grade from 68.3% to 71.6%

C-: Final grade from 65.0% to 68.2%

D+: Final grade from 62.5% to 64.9%

D: Final grade from 60.0% to 62.4%

F: Final grade less than 60.0%

The final grade will be calculated to one decimal point, and will not be rounded up or down (so a grade of 94.9% will result in an overall class grade of an A-).