
We will use i>clickers in this class. Clickers can be purchased from the university bookstore, and can be used for multiple classes on campus.

In order for your clicker answers to be graded your clicker must be registered using CUconnect. Instructions on how to register your clicker are available here.

We will use i>clickers in this class. Clickers can be purchased from the university bookstore, and can be used for multiple classes on campus.

In order for your clicker answers to be graded your clicker must be registered using CUconnect. Instructions on how to register your clicker are available here.

We will begin using clickers in class starting on Wednesday January 19th. It is your responsibility to verify that your clicker is working properly and that your clicker answers are being recorded correctly. I will post clicker grades on CULearn once per week, and you can verify that your clicker answers are being received by checking these grades.

We will have 10 to 15 clicker quizzes in class during the semester. The clicker quizzes will include several clicker questions based on the assigned reading and lecture notes for the day’s class and will not be announced ahead of time. Your grade on the clicker quizzes will count for 10% of your final class grade.

Non-quiz clicker questions will also be asked in most lectures. The non-quiz clicker questions will typically cover material that has just been discussed in class.